IELTS vs OET (Comparison)

The OET Advantage: Why Healthcare Professionals should take the OET rather than IELTS? Best OET Coaching in Laxmi Nagar Key Differences Between The International English Testing System (IELTS) and Occupational English Test (OET) IELTS may be a general English language assessment that is widely recognized and accepted across several English-speaking countries apart from the UK like Australia, New Zealand, and lots of others. Best IELTS coaching in East Delhi. The OET is a world English language assessment test, but it primarily caters to healthcare professionals like nurses, physiotherapists, et al. . Initially, the OET was designed for Australia and New Zealand. But, in November 2017, the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) of the united kingdom started accepting OET test scores while evaluating prospective candidates. Cambridge English Academy Scoring : The IELTS is scored from 0 – 9, and you would like to get ...