
Showing posts from June, 2021

Two mistakes to avoid to make sure you don’t freeze when you try to speak French

Most French learners still speak English in a French country but a few make the effort to speak French because they know it’s the only way to fully enjoy French culture and connect with locals. They can ask for directions to the lovely apartment they rented, buy a few croissants at a local bakery, or book a table at a restaurant. Some may work up the courage to try to speak with locals. Unfortunately, their attempts aren’t always successful, when they realize French people can’t understand a word they say or when the person they’re talking to asks them to repeat. Best French Coaching in East Delhi It’s not even their fault! They spent years learning vocabulary and verb conjugations they quickly forgot, did their best to understand the difference between masculine and feminine words, and worked hard to try to understand spoken French. Avoiding these 2 mistakes is essential if you ever want to speak and understand French You may think you just need to work harder; you may think you’re to

Best OET Coaching In India | Stick to your study goals

  One of the many traditions that come with a new study is to set yourself goals! While they tend to revolve around unhealthy behavior, smoking, for instance, you can also use new goals for your OET study! These could be as simple as reading through our articles or something more complex, like getting a B in Speaking. Unfortunately, sticking to these goals can be hard! In fact, 80% of goal setters don’t make it past the second week of the first month, according to the U.S. News & World Report. But don’t despair, there are ways to stay committed! Let’s take a closer look at why goals fail as well as five tips to help you develop and stick to your goals in studying OET! Most of what we do as humans is habitual, and it can be hard to change. Breaking habits takes strong willpower and commitment! Cramming, only preparing with practice tests and procrastination are all bad study habits that should be unlearned! One of the major reasons new goals fail is due to unreasonable expectations

8 reasons why you should study abroad

Studying abroad is a global phenomenon, with students crossing countries, continents and oceans to get the best education possible. But why has choosing a university destination in another country to become so popular? The truth is, studying overseas has many fantastic benefits, from helping you find a good job to improving your social life. Still not sure? Then find here the top 8 reasons why you should study abroad. Best Study Abroad Consultants In India  &  best study abroad consultants in east Delhi 1. It’s a challenge It may seem a strange point to start off on, but it should be said that studying abroad isn’t necessarily easy. There are unique challenges that come with going overseas to study, but that’s all part of the fun and the experience. You may have some concerns before leaving your home country, but don’t worry: that’s completely natural. Stepping outside of your comfort zone is one of the things that makes the whole experience so valuable and worthwhile. After all, i

What is the secret of going from band 7 to 8 in IELTS speaking?

  We will tell you two ways to go from a 7.0 band to an 8.0/9.0 band in IELTS speaking through the present article. It has some essential secrets that native speakers know that you don’t. But if you read the article and do the exercises, you will have the secrets within the next 20 minutes. One of the differences between band 7.0 and band 8.0 speaking is using the right tone of expression when speaking. Non-native speakers often sound impolite or short and abrupt when they are expressing dislikes. I’m going to tell you how to avoid this in three easy steps. Another thing is that in band 8.0, you need to express exact meanings. A band 8.0 candidate can say whether they dislike something only a little or you dislike it very much with a natural choice of words. I’m going to give you some different expressions to use in these situations. Everything you learn in this article is about speaking. IELTS COACHING IN LAXMI NAGAR Words can sound sad, angry, happy… One thing to learn is that we use