How do I get 6 bands in IELTS writing from 4.5?

If you’re looking to get 6 bands in IELTS writing, you’re making a sensible decision. It’s possible to go from 4.5 bands to 6 and beyond if you’re determined and have the right strategies in place for the Best Coaching In East Delhi . This blog post will provide easy-to-follow tips for getting your IELTS writing score up from 4.5 bands to 6 bands and beyond. We will cover topics such as essay planning, grammar and vocabulary usage, reading comprehension, and more. With these simple techniques at hand, you will be well on your way to reaching your goal of scoring 6 bands in IELTS writing! Best Coaching In East Delhi Assess your current level Before you can start improving your IELTS writing score, it's important to first assess your current level. This will give you a good idea of where you need to focus your studies. To do this, find a practice test and time yourself so that you can complete the whole test in one sitting. Once you've finished, score your test using the IELTS ba...