IELTS Writing Tips for Task 2 | Best IELTS Coaching in Delhi

The IELTS Essay Writing test is often considered difficult for IELTS aspirants. Moreover, Task 2 has more weightage as compared to Task 1. Though Task 1 (Letter writing for IELTS General Training and Report writing for IELTS Academic) is not simple, many candidates find Task 2 (Essay Writing) of the IELTS Writing module to be more challenging. Best IELTS Coaching in Delhi Task 2 requires you to respond to a specific question. To get more specific, IELTS Writing Task 2 demands you to prepare a 250-word essay on a certain topic. But don't forget that the assignment has a deadline. You have 40 minutes to describe the given topic in your own words, effectively without making any mistakes. In IELTS Writing Task 2, you may be asked to write essays out of these categories: Opinion Essay, Argumentative Essay, and Advantages/Disadvantages (Pros/Cons) Essay, Problem & Solution Essay, and Mixed essay. You must determine the type of essay that has been assigned and prepa...